La inteligencia militar ucraniana publica lista de deportistas rusos ‘proguerra’
La GUR ucraniana denuncia la complicidad de 76 deportistas rusos en la legitimación de la invasión a Ucrania, exigiendo la prohibición de su participación en competiciones internacionales
El partido de Putin expulsó a la campeona olímpica Yelena Isinbayeva por no apoyar la guerra en Ucrania
El Frente Popular de Toda Rusia echó a la atleta que en la última semana había sido críticada por negar cualquier vinculación con el Ejército ruso pese a pertenecer al club militar CSKA

La campeona olímpica rusa Yelena Isinbayeva, afincada en Tenerife tras ser sancionada por Zelenski
Ganadora del Príncipe de Asturias de los Deportes o el Laureus, la atleta y militar se encuentra desde el 30 de mayo en el sur de la isla canaria

NextGen 2020 - Europe
(ATR) European changes at IOC moderate. More in our Next Gen 2020 series.

Peace and Sport Mobilizes Athletes and International Federations Around the World for International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on April 6
Athletes and International Federations are mobilizing behind Peace and Sport’s #WhiteCard campaign as they celebrate the IDSDP.
Door Open for Russian Paralympians at PyeongChang 2018
(ATR) IPC president Philip Craven says Russia taking steps in the right direction to rejoin the Paralympic Movement.

Russian Participation in German Anti-Doping Inquiry Unlikely
(ATR) Neither Zhukov nor Isinbayeva expected to travel to Berlin to testify about the McLaren report, ATR has learned

WADA Hits Out at Russia; Ruggiero Committed to Doping Fight
(ATR) The World Anti-Doping Agency says it should have been consulted before Isinbayeva appointment.

Time Running Out for NHL to Determine Olympic Participation -- Federations Focus
(ATR) Also: Isinbayeva running for ARAF presidency; FIFA ..., summer federations leadership changes.

Isinbayeva Elected as IOC Member
(ATR) Five new members of the IOC took their oaths today as the IOC session concluded.