"Es como en Gaza", Israel continúa en Yenín y siembra destrucción en norte de Cisjordania

"Es como en Gaza", Israel

40 dólares el champú, escasez de agua y basura: las dificultades para la higiene en Gaza

40 dólares el champú, escasez

Ejército israelí finaliza redada de 14 horas en Cisjordania, con tres palestinos muertos

Ejército israelí finaliza redada de

Tension in the West Bank: Three Palestinians died in one day amid clashes with the Israeli army

The victims registered this Wednesday are a minor under 14 years old, a young man of 20 and a lawyer aged 34

Tension in the West Bank:

Due soldati israeliani sono stati colpiti e feriti mentre cercavano di raggiungere un santuario in Cisgiordania

Dopo essere stati colpiti due volte al ginocchio e alla mano, i due soldati si trovano in una situazione moderata e sono stati quindi portati in un ospedale locale per le cure

Due soldati israeliani sono stati

Two Israeli soldiers were shot and wounded while trying to reach a sanctuary in the West Bank

After being shot twice in the knee and hand, the two soldiers are in a moderate situation and have therefore been taken to a local hospital for treatment

Two Israeli soldiers were shot

Israel deployed more forces to the security barriers following the wave of terrorist attacks

A total of 11 people, 9 Israelis and two Ukrainians, have been killed in attacks since 22 March. Despite fears, sources with knowledge of the situation said that the government will not change its policies, allowing Palestinian parishioners who want to pray in places of worship in the Israeli capital during Ramadan

Israel deployed more forces to

Palestinian Facilities Destroyed by Gaza Violence

(ATR) The Palestine Olympic Committee says attacks have leveled sports clubs, a soccer field, and a Paralympic facility.

Palestinian Facilities Destroyed by Gaza