Vlad Malishev, the Ukrainian soldier who was saved from death six times in 43 days

Projectiles that fall to meters, a roof that falls to centimeters and even a missile that dodged his electric car because it did not detect the engine, which does not emit heat: “Now a day is like a week”, he says

Vlad Malishev, the Ukrainian soldier

Vlad Malishev, der ukrainische Soldat, der in 43 Tagen sechsmal vor dem Tod gerettet wurde

Projektile, die auf Meter fallen, ein Dach, das auf Zentimeter fällt, und sogar eine Rakete, die seinem Elektroauto ausgewichen ist, weil sie den Motor, der keine Wärme abgibt, nicht erkannt hat: „Jetzt ist ein Tag wie eine Woche“, sagt er

Vlad Malishev, der ukrainische Soldat,

This is how you can apply to volunteer for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

FIFA opened the call for people who are interested in supporting the holding of the next World Cup

This is how you can

Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Volunteer Drive a Huge Success


Tokyo 2020 Volunteer Program Needs Publicity Survey Says

(ATR Japan) A survey shows only 26 percent of Japanese students understand the requirements to be a Tokyo 2020 volunteer.

Tokyo 2020 Volunteer Program Needs

LA 2024: "Olympic Values Made Me Who I Am Today"

A Los Angeles Olympic legacy story came full circle today as LA 2024 Community Coordinator Corine Taylor addressed dozens of teen leaders at LA’s EXPO Center. 


Volunteer Registration Now Open for the 2017 World Rowing Championships

With 150 days to go until the 2017 World Rowing Championships, those wishing to volunteer at the event may now register online.


Glasgow 2018 Inundated by Public Response to Call for Volunteers

2,150 people applied to be part of the volunteer team in the first 24 hours of the recruitment campaign.


Finish Line in Sight for GC2018 Volunteer Applications

The once in a lifetime opportunity to volunteer for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) will close on Mar. 20.


Ashgabat 2017 Launches First Stars Volunteer Programme

The Ashgabat 2017 volunteer journey begins for the 5th Asian Indoor Athletics and Martial Arts Games is launched.
