Morinari Watanabe faces challenger in this week’s International Gymnastics Federation presidential election - Federation FocusAlso: Usmanov running unopposed for re-election as FIE president; World Judo Day celebrated; ISA names new head of marketing and media; World Triathlon Athlete’s Committee election deadline nearsInterview with FITEQ Gen Sec Marius Vizer Jr - Teqball RoadshowTeqball expands its international presence ... the latest ATR Extra!COVID-19: Message from the IJF PresidentTokyo Olympics Media Summit, Judo Latest Corona Casualties(ATR) Hundreds of media, athletes were headed to Los Angeles next week while IJF cancels Olympic qualifiers.PRESIDENT VIZER PROMOTES JUDO FAMILY VALUES DURING VISIT TO UZBEKISTANMarius Vizer Jr appointed International Teqball Federation General SecretaryIJF pledge Support for Refugees Ahead of First-ever Global Refugee ForumPRESIDENT PUTIN VISITED IJF PRESIDENT VIZER IN BUDAPEST JUDO HEADQUARTERSFINAL SUSPENSION FOR IRAN JUDO FEDERATIONIPPON AT THE OLYMPIC MUSEUMA beautiful autumn sun was shining ... VER MÁS