„Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass Diskurse, die gewalttätige Aktionen gegen Frauen rechtfertigen, fortgeführt werden“: National Network

Das feministische Netzwerk lehnte die Rechtfertigung von General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro für den Tod von Frauen und Mädchen während militärischer Operationen ab

„Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass

“We will not allow discourses that justify violent actions against women to continue to be perpetuated”: National Network

The feminist network rejected General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro's justification for the death of women and girls during military operations

“We will not allow discourses

In der letzten Woche ereigneten sich in Cauca drei Femizide

Organisationen, die Frauenrechte und Feministinnen in dieser Region des Landes verteidigen, sind in höchster Alarmbereitschaft. Der Cric seinerseits hat darauf hingewiesen, dass in diesem Jahr in Cauca sieben Morde an kommunalen Frauen stattgefunden haben

In der letzten Woche ereigneten

Three femicides occurred in Cauca during the last week

Organizations that defend women's rights and feminists in this area of the country are on high alert. For its part, the Cric has indicated that during this year there have been seven murders of communal women in Cauca

Three femicides occurred in Cauca

New case of alleged sexual abuse at the José María Córdova Military Cadet School

The victim's mother claims that the facts were brought to the attention of an Army captain, but that the protocols for dealing with the case were never activated

New case of alleged sexual

Foreign Minister Presents Colombia's Progress on Gender and Environment Issues to the UN

The official highlighted the energy transition strategy that already has several projects where the axis of development is women

Foreign Minister Presents Colombia's Progress