El precandidato uruguayo Tabaré Viera aboga por nuevos acuerdos comerciales con el exterior

"El comercio no funciona sin una política exterior inteligente y eficaz", dice Sanguinetti

On the Scene - Japan Captures World Champs
(ATR) The Japanese juggernaut continues in women’s baseball.

Women the Winners in Baseball World Cup -- Photodesk
(ATR) Competition at the Women's Baseball World Cup wrapped up this weekend.

Asian Battle for Baseball World Cup
(ATR) Japan and Taipei meet in the first all-Asia final for the women’s baseball world champs.

'El Beisbol Tiene Que Cambiar La Piel' - Fraccari
(ATR) Francis Ford Coppola, un bastión del beisbol femenino

Opportunity Knocks at Women's Baseball World Cup
(ATR) The USSSA hopes hosting the event on Florida’s Space Coast leads to more partnerships with the WBSC.

Copa Mundial historica para Dominicana
(ATR) Venezuela aun piensa en el podio

Women's Baseball World Cup Enters 'Super Round'
(ATR) It’s anyone’s ballgame as the top six teams move into the business end of the tournament.

Japon vs USA al abrir Super Ronda
(ATR) Taipei de China quitó invicto a las estadounidenses