La generación X y los mileniales de EE.UU. tienen más riesgo de 17 tipos de cáncerLa salud de Navalny se vio perjudicada por las condiciones carcelariasReportajes Especiales - NewsWhat are the treatments that can improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson'sOn World Parkinson's Day, experts explained the scope of this disease. Pharmacological, surgical and complementary therapies: what therapies are appliedFour Ukrainian children with cancer were evacuated to an American hospitalCofepris warned about batches of fake oncological drugs: what to do if you used anyThe health authority discovered at least 10 batches of drugs with irregularitiesMexico approved new HIV treatment in a single tabletIn Mexico, 301,182 people with HIV infection are in the epidemiological surveillance registry of the National Center for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS (Censida), of which 36% have diedSewage Treatment Plant Opens Near Deodoro -- Rio Roundup(ATR) Also: Paes says a "design flaw" was responsible for the collapse of the Ciclovia Tim Maia in April.Dos drogas contra la artitris reducen muertes por covid, según estudio