Tres cuartas partes de los adultos estadounidenses padecen sobrepeso u obesidad
Reportajes Especiales - News

People with COVID can eliminate viruses in their feces for up to seven months after diagnosis
Stanford researchers studied whether an individual's “bacterial intestinal fingerprint” is affected when the virus is eliminated. How long does it last and how is it related to nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain
A unique study in the world that seeks to detect cellular immunity against COVID advances
It is carried out by Spanish scientists who seek to measure the defenses generated by T-lymphocytes.

Increasing the prices of the basic basket worries 7 out of 10 Colombians
In addition, 58% of Colombians believe that the country's economic situation has remained the same and 28% believe that it has worsened, while only 14% think it has improved

The human brain expands and contracts over time: these graphs show how
Based on more than 120,000 brain scans, a study showed the changes that occur due to aging. Researchers hope they will be used as a routine clinical tool in the future

These are the new banking habits of Colombian consumers
Spontaneous decisions are marking the stop when it comes to consuming

A scientific study confirmed that a drug reduces a type of breast cancer by 76%
Led by Spain, research showed that a new combination of drugs slowed the progression of cancer in 75.8 percent of patients at 12 months compared to 34.1 percent who achieved it with the current standard treatment. The details
A scientific study confirmed that a drug reduces a type of breast cancer by 76%
Led by Spain, research showed that a new combination of drugs slowed the progression of cancer in 75.8 percent of patients at 12 months compared to 34.1 percent who achieved it with the current standard treatment. The details
Study reveals that octagonal labeling is more effective in discouraging the consumption of ultra-processed products
More than 8,000 adults participated in the research, and 72% of them selected this label as the one that most reduced their consumption intention. In Colombia, 1 in 4 school-age children is overweight and half of adults face the same situation

In 61 per cent of complaints related to sexual offences, victims are minors
Every 20 minutes there is a report of abuse against a child in the country