La riflessione di J Balvin dopo la sua presentazione criticata all'Estéreo Picnic: «Chi non fa i conti, scivola»L'artista urbano ha chiuso uno dei giorni dell'evento musicale battendo il record di presenze, ma i suoi fan sono rimasti delusi dalla sua presentazione ed hanno espresso il loro malcontento sui social network.J Balvin's reflection after his criticized presentation at the Estéreo Picnic: “He who doesn't add up, he slips”The urban artist closed one of the days of the music event breaking record attendance, but his fans ended up disappointed with his presentation and expressed their discontent on social networksJ Balvin's reflection after his criticized presentation at the Estéreo Picnic: “He who doesn't add up, he slips”The urban artist closed one of the days of the music event breaking record attendance, but his fans ended up disappointed with his presentation and expressed their discontent on social networksDetails of Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins death scene leakAccording to preliminary investigations, a patrolman who entered the musician's room, testified to the Prosecutor's Office that he saw a powdery white substance similar to cocaineDetails of Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins death scene leakAccording to preliminary investigations, a patrolman who entered the musician's room, testified to the Prosecutor's Office that he saw a powdery white substance similar to cocaineTaylor Hawkins do Foot Fighters e Keith Flint do The Prodigy, as mortes que ocorreram no Stereo PicnicOs artistas morreram antes de realizar suas apresentações no festival de música colombianoTaylor Hawkins von Foot Fighters und Keith Flint von The Prodigy, die Todesfälle, die beim Stereo Picnic stattgefunden habenDie Künstler starben, bevor sie ihre Auftritte beim kolumbianischen Musikfestival spieltenTaylor Hawkins of Foot Fighters and Keith Flint of The Prodigy, the deaths that have occurred at the Stereo PicnicThe artists died before performing their performances at the Colombian music festivalTaylor Hawkins di Foot Fighters e Keith Flint di The Prodigy, le morti avvenute allo Stereo PicnicGli artisti sono morti prima di esibirsi al festival musicale colombiano.Lágrimas e descrença: assistentes da FEP sobre a morte de Taylor Hawkins, baterista do Foo FightersO artista morreu uma hora antes de se apresentar em Bogotá. Alguns de seus fãs aprenderam sobre o evento enquanto esperavam por ele no palco principal do evento.VER MÁS