Evacuees increase after rains in Viota, CundinamarcaThe authorities are looking for two people in the region, although, due to weather conditions, they had to stop work on April 24Pelo menos três mortos por avalanche em Viota, CundinamarcaOs eventos ocorreram na vila da Baixa Libéria, arrasando uma casa rural e cinco membros da mesma família.At least three killed by avalanche in Viota, CundinamarcaThe events took place in the village of Lower Liberia, razing a rural house and five members of the same familyMindestens drei wurden in Viota, Cundinamarca, durch Lawine getötetDie Veranstaltungen fanden im Dorf Lower Liberia statt und gründeten ein Landhaus und fünf Mitglieder derselben FamilieCrollo a Pataz: video del momento in cui una parte di una collina cade e seppellisce dozzine di caseCirca 15 case sono state segnalate completamente interrate. L'area era stata dichiarata inabitabile dopo una simile frana avvenuta 6 anni fa.On the Scene: PyeongChang Sliding Center Gets Crash Course(ATR) Two events over two weeks will shape the future of the Alpensia Sliding Center ahead of PyeongChang 2018.PyeongChang Developing 'Olympic Feel'(ATR) Progress seen in both PyeongChang clusters; NHL representatives hoping for solution with IOC.Public Sentiment, Existing Contracts Keeping Olympic Events in PyeongChang(ATR) Some have said certain sliding events should be moved out of PyeongChang to cut costs.Photodesk -- Around Sochi, February 6(ATR) The Olympic Games in Sochi open officially tomorrow, but training runs, qualification, last minute preparations, and competition have already been ongoing in Sochi.Sochi Awaits Frenzy; Fasel on Hockey; Sliding Training -- On the Scene(ATR) The scene is set as the Winter Games approach ... IIHF president talks hockey in Sochi ... Training begins at SankiVER MÁS