ATR First: Puerto Rico NOC Providing Hope in Difficult Times(ATR) NOC President Sarah Rosario says community outreach is the most important job of the Olympic Committee as the island recovers from hurricanes.Hector Cardona: Presidente del CACSO, 81(ATR) Presidente de CACSO Héctor Cardona murió en 16 de junio a los 81 años, víctima de cáncer de hígado.Hector Cardona: CACSO President, 81(ATR) CACSO president Héctor Cardona died in the early hours of June 16 at 81 years old, a victim of liver cancer.La Salud una Preocupacion para Presidente del ODECABE Cardona(ATR) Un notable ausente en el simposio de ODEPA fue el ex presidente de COPUR Hector Cardona.Health a Concern for CACSO President Cardona(ATR) A notable absentee at this week's PanamSports Symposium was former Puerto Rican Olympics chief Hector Cardona.