Ammettono la tutela cercando di sospendere il cancelliere Alexander VegaIl funzionario può impugnare la sentenza, tuttavia, mentre viene presa una decisione definitiva, Vega dovrebbe ritirarsi dall'incarico e il presidente dovrebbe assegnare un cancelliere ad hocThey admit guardianship seeking to suspend registrar Alexander VegaThe official may appeal the judgment, however, while a final decision is made, Vega should withdraw from office and the president should assign an ad hoc registrarSupreme Court says Matamba is reported deceased, but Registrar DeniesBecause of this situation, the high court requested the National Registrar of Civil Status, Alexander Vega Rocha, to explain the contradictionLa Cour suprême déclare que Matamba est décédé, mais le registraire nieEn raison de cette situation, la Haute Cour a demandé au Directeur national de l'état civil, Alexander Vega Rocha, d'expliquer la contradictionThey admit guardianship against the CNE due to delays in the recall of the mayor of MedellínThe problem would be related to the delay in the certification of the financial accounts of the revocation process. The guardians say that this fact would violate their right to participation and political control