¿Los sensores de aire pueden mantener a salvo las oficinas durante las pandemias e incendios forestales?Reportajes Especiales - LifestyleHow many hours of sleep are needed to sleep well, according to scienceA study by scientists from Washington (United States) determined how long the average adult should rest, although it clarified that too much sleep is “bad for the brain”'Nothing Off Limits' for Tokyo 2020 Savings(ATR) Tokyo 2020 says all avenues for cutting costs will be considered after the recent IOC project review.Ice Skating Judge in 2002 Scandal Running for Fed Presidency -- Federations Focus(ATR) Also ... FIH launches turf quality program... 2016 ITTF World Cup awarded to Saarbrücken, Germany.LA 24 Delivers First Report to USOC Board -- On the Scene(ATR) Developments from the U.S. Olympic Committee Board of Directors meeting in Colorado Springs.FINA Did Not Ask Rio 2016 for Viral Testing(ATR) Rio 2016 confirmed to ATR that it did receive a letter from the FINA, but the letter did not discuss viral testing.Warm Winter Brings High Weeds to Rio Canoe Venue -- On the Scene(ATR) Athletes tell ATR weeds in the Lagoa de Freitas have affected racing during the canoe sprint test event.Sailing Fed Using Rio Test Event to Implement Sanitation Practices(ATR) ISAF has sent Nibojsa Nikolic to Rio de Janeiro to help combat illness at the competition venue.Athletes Adapt to Rio 2016 Sailing Venue -- On the Scene(ATR) Olympic sailors say they are prepared to race in Guanabara Bay, despite water quality worries.IOC Won't Test Rio Bay for Viruses(ATR) The IOC Rio CoComm says it will not add virus testing to water quality monitoring in Guanabara Bay.VER MÁS