SPORTEL Monaco Postponed - Conferences & ConventionsAlso: Speakers revealed for Global Sports Week Paris and SIGA Youth ForumSPORTEL CEO, Laurent Puons: "This year will be no exception"New Initiatives for a Changing Market at SPORTEL Miami 2020Sportel America Returns to Miami -- Conferences & Conventions(ATR) The marketplace for the industry trade show in Miami is changing, coronavirus a last-minute complication.Sportel Monaco Welcomes IOC, Esport(ATR) Increased collaboration coming with esport, the IOC, says Sportel CEO Laurent Puons.SportelMonaco Marks the Big Three-Zero -- Conferences & Conventions(ATR) SportelMonaco's birthday party is about to take over the Grimaldi Forum ... SPORTEL, A MAJOR EDITION TO COMESportel 2017 Posts Gains(ATR) The sports marketing and media rights convention closes with record numbers in Monaco.