Katherine Miranda's ancient trills revive where she explained why she “divorced” Gustavo Petro

The most voted representative in the Chamber of the capital questioned the then mayor of Bogotá about his management in construction of works and today accompanies him as head of debate for his presidency campaign

Katherine Miranda's ancient trills revive

“सामाजिक माफी राष्ट्रपति द्वारा नहीं, बल्कि समाज द्वारा आदेशित है”: गुस्तावो पेट्रो ने सैमुअल मोरेनो के साथ अपने विवादास्पद संपर्कों का बचाव किया

एक राजनीतिक तूफान उन लोगों का सामना कर रहा है जो आज राष्ट्रपति पद के लिए मतदान करने के इरादे का नेतृत्व करते हैं, किसी तरह से, गणतंत्र की राजधानी में तथाकथित 'भर्ती हिंडोला' के लिए जिम्मेदार हैं

“सामाजिक माफी राष्ट्रपति द्वारा नहीं,

“Social forgiveness is not ordered by the president, but by society”: Gustavo Petro defended his controversial contacts with Samuel Moreno

A political storm is facing those who today lead the intention to vote for the Presidency after justifying, in some way, those responsible for the so-called 'recruitment carousel' in the capital of the Republic

“Social forgiveness is not ordered


在以某种方式为那些对共和国首都所谓的 “招募轮播” 负责的人辩解之后,今天领导打算投票选举总统的人正面临着一场政治风暴


“사회적 용서는 대통령이 아니라 사회에 의해 명령된다”: 구스타보 페트로는 사무엘 모레노와의 논란이 많은 접촉을 옹호했다.

오늘날 공화국의 수도에서 소위 '모집 회전 목마'를 담당하는 사람들을 어떤 식 으로든 정당화 한 후 대통령직에 투표하려는 의도를 이끄는 사람들은 정치적 폭풍이 직면하고 있습니다.

“사회적 용서는 대통령이 아니라 사회에

Nicolás Petro, eldest son of Gustavo Petro, will marry his girlfriend Days Vasquez: “He expropriated my heart”

The fiancée of the young Atlantic MP shared the emotional scene through social networks and sighed more than one

Nicolás Petro, eldest son of







“They cannot use freedom of expression to cover up slander and xenophobia”: Gustavo Petro once again lashed out against journalist David Ghitis

The presidential candidate called the journalist who recently questioned him as “xenophobic of the extreme right”

“They cannot use freedom of

They remind Petro when he criticized Duque for not going to presidential debates: “They are the basis of democracy”

The candidate of the Historical Pact refuses to participate in forums where he confronts his ideas with his opponents, which has not stopped causing him harsh criticism

They remind Petro when he