Aníbal Torres critique à nouveau la presse : « C'est une presse qui fait du mal aux enfants, qui trompe »

Le Premier ministre a assuré que la presse de Lima serait contrôlée par des groupes de pouvoir, qui sont lésés par les mesures mises en œuvre par le gouvernement.

Aníbal Torres critique à nouveau

Aníbal Torres again criticizes the press: “It is a press that is hurting children, that deceives”

The prime minister assured that the Lima press would be controlled by power groups, which are harmed by the measures implemented by the Government.

Aníbal Torres again criticizes the

Alfonso Chávarry lashes out against the press because they don't publish his achievements as Minister of the Interior

Estrangements between the press and Pedro Castillo's government continue. The Minister of the Interior criticized that the media only criticize the Executive.

Alfonso Chávarry lashes out against

Alfonso Chávarry schlägt gegen die Presse vor, weil sie seine Leistungen als Innenminister nicht veröffentlichen

Die Entfremdungen zwischen der Presse und der Regierung von Pedro Castillo gehen weiter. Der Innenminister kritisierte, dass die Medien nur die Exekutive kritisieren.

Alfonso Chávarry schlägt gegen die

Pedro Castillo: National Radio and Television Society criticizes the president's attitude to the press

The entity spoke in a statement in which it questioned the president's request for rectification to a journalist.

Pedro Castillo: National Radio and

Bernardo Roca Rey, journalist and great promoter of Peruvian gastronomy, died at the age of 77

Roca Rey was known for always promoting Peruvian gastronomy and was a participant in Mistura since its first edition. In 2016 he was the president of the Peruvian Press Council.

Bernardo Roca Rey, journalist and