“Eles mantiveram meu rosto quieto”: reação de Margarita Rosa de Francisco ao Oscar de 'Encanto'

A figura pública tem sido crítica do filme de animação, embora ele admita que não o viu. Depois que o filme de inspiração colombiana ganhou Melhor Filme de Animação, vários usuários das redes sociais se voltaram para a mulher para mostrar seu erro

“Eles mantiveram meu rosto quieto”:

“They kept my face quiet”: Margarita Rosa de Francisco's reaction to the Oscar award for 'Encanto'

The public figure has been critical of the animated film, although he admits that he has not seen it. After the Colombian-inspired film won Best Animated Film, several social media users turned to the woman to show her mistake

“They kept my face quiet”:

Mit Tränen in den Augen und an einen Stuhl klammernd: So zeigte sich Sebastián Yatra in den Umkleidekabinen, nachdem er bei den Oscars „Zwei Raupen“ gesungen hatte

Der Kolumbianer war einer der am meisten applaudierten Künstler bei der Preisverleihung am vergangenen Sonntag

Mit Tränen in den Augen

With tears in his eyes and clinging to a chair: this is how Sebastián Yatra showed himself in the dressing rooms after singing 'Two caterpillars' at the Oscars

The Colombian was one of the most applauded artists at the awards ceremony, held last Sunday

With tears in his eyes

With tears in his eyes and clinging to a chair: this is how Sebastián Yatra showed himself in the dressing rooms after singing 'Two caterpillars' at the Oscars

The Colombian was one of the most applauded artists at the awards ceremony, held last Sunday

With tears in his eyes

Com lágrimas nos olhos e agarrado a uma cadeira: foi assim que Sebastián Yatra se mostrou nos camarins depois de cantar 'Duas lagartas' no Oscar

O colombiano foi um dos artistas mais aplaudidos na cerimônia de premiação, realizada no último domingo

Com lágrimas nos olhos e

„Ich wünschte, es gäbe ein Team von Kulturberatern innerhalb der Kanäle“: Mauro Castillo nach seiner Teilnahme an den Oscars

Außerdem enthüllte sie das Erstaunen der Tennisspielerin Serena Williams, als sie ihr mitten in der Gala erzählte, dass in Kolumbien ein großer Teil der Bevölkerung Afro sei

„Ich wünschte, es gäbe ein

“I wish there was a team of cultural advisors within the channels”: Mauro Castillo after his participation in the Oscars

In addition, she revealed the astonishment of tennis player Serena Williams when she told her, in the middle of the gala, that in Colombia a large part of the population is Afro

“I wish there was a

'Encanto', Gewinner des Oscar für den besten Animationsfilm

Der in Kolumbien gedrehte Film war einer der wahrscheinlichsten, der die Statuette in dieser Kategorie gewann, in der Titel wie „The Mitchell Family vs. the Machines“ und „Flee“ zusammenkamen.

'Encanto', Gewinner des Oscar für

'Encanto', Gewinner des Oscar für den besten Animationsfilm

Der in Kolumbien gedrehte Film war einer der wahrscheinlichsten, der die Statuette in dieser Kategorie gewann, in der Titel wie „The Mitchell Family vs. the Machines“ und „Flee“ zusammenkamen.

'Encanto', Gewinner des Oscar für