Die Tankstellen in Punta del Este erhalten ab dem 4. April keine Kartenzahlungen mehr

Sie fordern seit langem eine Senkung der Tarife, die von Kartenausstellern erhoben werden.

Die Tankstellen in Punta del

Punta del Este gas stations will stop receiving card payments from April 4

They have long been demanding a reduction in tariffs charged by card issuers

Punta del Este gas stations

Ostern: Wie viel kostet es, mit dem Auto von Buenos Aires nach Mendoza, Cordoba und zu den wichtigsten Touristenzielen zu reisen

Nach dem Anstieg der Kraftstoffe in diesem Monat führte Infobae eine Umfrage durch, um die Reisekosten auch nach Mar del Plata, Bariloche und Iguazu zu berücksichtigen. Die Zahlen beziehen sich auf einen Benutzer eines mittelgroßen Fahrzeugs mit Super- oder Premium-Benzin

Ostern: Wie viel kostet es,

Easter: how much does it cost to travel by car from Buenos Aires to Mendoza, Cordoba and the main tourist destinations

After the increase in fuels this month, Infobae conducted a survey to account for the costs of traveling also to Mar del Plata, Bariloche and Iguazu. The figures are for a user of a medium vehicle carrying super or premium gasoline

Easter: how much does it

Memes that have arisen on social networks due to the rise of

The increase was 11.5% nationwide, and companies explained that it was due to the value of oil and other inputs.Reviews of the funniest memes on the Internet

Memes that have arisen on

Memes that have arisen on social networks due to the rise of

The increase was 11.5% nationwide, and companies explained that it was due to the value of oil and other inputs.Reviews of the funniest memes on the Internet

Memes that have arisen on

Memes that have arisen on social networks due to the rise of

The increase was 11.5% nationwide, and companies explained that it was due to the value of oil and other inputs.Reviews of the funniest memes on the Internet

Memes that have arisen on

Memes that have arisen on social networks due to the rise of

The increase was 11.5% nationwide, and companies explained that it was due to the value of oil and other inputs.Reviews of the funniest memes on the Internet

Memes that have arisen on

Memes that have arisen on social networks due to the rise of

The country grew by 11.5%, and companies explained that this was due to the value of oil and other inputs. Reviews of the funniest memes on the internet


Memes that have arisen on social networks due to the rise of

The increase was 11.5% nationwide, and companies explained that it was due to the value of oil and other inputs.Reviews of the funniest memes on the Internet

Memes that have arisen on