UPDATED - Tokyo Governor Quits Over Expenses Scandal
(ATR) A scandal over spending on travel and luxury goods forces out a leader of the Tokyo Olympics.

Leading Tokyo 2020 Figure Quits Over Cash Scandal
(ATR) Tokyo governor Naoki Inose, who chaired the city’s successful 2020 bid, has resigned over a financial scandal to avoid impacting Olympic preparations.

Tokyo 2020 Dismisses Nuclear Leak Concerns; PM Confirms for IOC
(ATR) Tokyo governor Naoki Inose said Friday that a leak of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant will not impact the city’s campaign to secure the 2020 Olympics.

On the Scene - Japan PM Opens Tokyo 2020 IOC Inspection in Song
(ATR) The prime minister of Japan serenades the IOC, assuring government support for the bid from Tokyo for the 2020 Olympics. ATR's Ed Hula and Matthew Grayson have more ...

On the Scene in Tokyo - Whirlwind Week for IOC
(ATR) Monday begins bright and early for members of the IOC Evaluation Commission. ATR's Matthew Grayson reports from Tokyo.

Tokyo 2020 Board to Meet; Gold Medalists Endorse Bid
(ATR) As new leaders of city and national governments take power in Japan, Tokyo 2020 prepares to hold its final board meeting of 2012.