This is what Camilo Sesto, from 'I call me', looked and sang during his adolescenceAlejandro León, impersonator of the Spanish singer, was the one who managed to win the most recent season of the reality showLeonardo Favio, from My Name, demonstrated a new and extreme facetTo the surprise of many followers, the young singer dared to learn a new sport and live other experiencesCamilo Sesto von „Ich rufe mich an“ hat bereits begonnen, den Preis auszugeben, der Sänger zeigte den Van seiner TräumeCamilo Sesto, als er der Gewinner von Yo me Llamo wurde, nahm 500 Millionen PesosCamilo Sesto from 'I call me' has already started to spend the prize, the singer showed off the van of his dreamsCamilo Sesto, when he became the winner of Yo me llamo, took 500 million pesosThe “My Name Is” Courtship Nobody Knew About — They Caught Two Former Participants KissingA video revealed a relationship that would have arisen between the two artists and that was later confirmed with posts on their social networksFoto: Jennifer Lopez, de 'My Call', usou suas redes sociais para pedir ajuda com uma questão urgenteLoRangie Ramírez, como é chamada a imitadora, foi ao seu perfil no Instagram para resolver um problema com sua casa em BogotáPhoto: Jennifer Lopez from 'My Call' used her social media to ask for help with an urgent issueLoRangie Ramírez, as the imitator is called, went to her Instagram profile to solve a problem with her home in BogotáYeison Jimenez sorgte mit ihrem neuen Look für Aufsehen: „Es sieht aus wie Flogger“Die Fans des populären Musiksängers waren überrascht von einer Frisur, mit der er ein Video auf Tiktok veröffentlichte.Yeison Jimenez caused a stir with her new look: “It looks like flogger”The fans of the popular music singer were surprised by a hairstyle with which he posted a video to TiktokCamilo Sesto, from 'My Call', fulfilled a dream he had with his parentsAfter giving a free concert to the neighbors of the neighborhood where he grew up, now the young singer was seen sharing part of his prize with his family