Adiós a una era: dos grandes fabricantes de barbijos N95 cierran sus puertas en EEUU

Tras casi cuatro años de pandemia por COVID-19, dos empresas cierran sus operaciones ante la caída en la demanda de tapabocas

Adiós a una era: dos

The mask in enclosed areas is over and the requirement of the vaccination card, President Duque announced the elimination of measures of the pandemic in Colombia

The mask will only be mandatory in places such as health entities or public transport and it will no longer be necessary to present a vaccination card to enter restaurants or public shows

The mask in enclosed areas

Chinstrap or ventilation: what technique experts recommend against COVID-19

Ventilating enclosed spaces or wearing masks are the two main options to avoid infections, since SARS-CoV-2 is spread by air. How to use each strategy appropriately

Chinstrap or ventilation: what technique

“Surely in a few weeks we will be saying: 'no more masks in closed spaces”: Minister of Health

The head of the Health portfolio, Fernando Ruiz, reported that this possibility will be analyzed together with the Advisory Committee, based on scientific evidence and the behavior of the covid-19 pandemic in the country

“Surely in a few weeks




Uso volontario di maschere in Perù: domande e risposte al provvedimento annunciato dall'Esecutivo

César Munayco, portavoce di Minsa, ha annunciato una maggiore portata sui regolamenti che lasceranno da parte le maschere in alcune zone del Perù. Ecco tutti i dettagli.

Uso volontario di maschere in

Voluntary use of masks in Peru: questions and answers to the measure announced by the Executive

César Munayco, spokesman for Minsa, announced greater scope on the regulations that will leave masks aside in some areas of Peru. Here are all the details.

Voluntary use of masks in

Mandatory use of a mask: These are the places where it remains in force

In the following note we show you in which closed places the use of a mask will be mandatory, following the announcement of the Council of Ministers.

Mandatory use of a mask:

Optional use of masks in Peru will be applied from May 1, confirmed Minsa

Director of Public Health Surveillance of the Ministry of Health said that the norm will only come into effect in 10 days and not from tomorrow as announced by the president of the Council of Ministers.

Optional use of masks in

Spain also eliminates the compulsory nature of the mask in most indoor spaces

The Spanish government approved the end of its demand after almost two years. It will follow the mandate in health centers, nursing homes and public transport

Spain also eliminates the compulsory