Les athlètes russes et biélorusses bannis des Championnats d'EuropeLes Championnats d'Europe auront lieu en août en AllemagneRussische und belarussische Athleten wurden von den Europameisterschaften ausgeschlossenDie Europameisterschaften finden diesen August in Deutschland stattAtleti russi e bielorussi banditi dai campionati europeiI Campionati Europei si svolgeranno questo agosto in GermaniaRussian and Belarusian athletes banned from European ChampionshipsThe European Championships will take place this August in GermanyAtletas russos e bielorrussos banidos do Campeonato EuropeuO Campeonato Europeu acontecerá em agosto na AlemanhaRussian and Belarusian athletes banned from European ChampionshipsThe European Championships will take place this August in GermanyMedia Release: Multi-Sport European Championships Finalises Sports Programme and Competition Schedule for Munich 2022Dynamic New Athletics gears up for debut at European Games Minsk 2019Media Release: Multi-Sport European Championships Finalises Sports Programme and Competition Schedule for Munich 2022