誘拐を止める:3月に123件の症例が記録され、月間15.1%減少発生率が最も高い州は、16例のメキシコ州、13のベラクルス、7件のチワワでした。Beenden Sie die Entführung: Im März wurden 123 Fälle registriert, ein monatlicher Rückgang von 15,1%Die Staaten mit der höchsten Inzidenz waren der Bundesstaat Mexiko mit 16 Fällen, Veracruz mit 13 und Chihuahua mit sieben FällenStop Kidnapping: 123 cases were recorded in March, a monthly decrease of 15.1%The states with the highest incidence were the State of Mexico with 16 cases, Veracruz with 13, and Chihuahua with sevenHaiti: Thousands protested against the wave of kidnappings and demanded the resignation of the prime ministerThe demonstrations took place in the capital Port-au-Prince and in Les Cayes, where one person was shot dead at the city's airportHaiti: Thousands protested against the wave of kidnappings and demanded the resignation of the prime ministerThe demonstrations took place in the capital Port-au-Prince and in Les Cayes, where one person was shot dead at the city's airportThey report that five young people were killed and there are about 10 kidnapped by a dissent of the extinct FARC in CaucaAs reported by a civilian cooperative, the group perpetrated the attack as a form of social cleansing because several of them were recognized as drug users