Die IAPA betonte, dass die zunehmende Gewalt gegen Journalisten die größte Herausforderung für die freie Presse in Amerika darstellt

In ihrem Abschlussbericht über das Treffen zur Jahresmitte gab die Inter-American Press Association bekannt, dass in den letzten sechs Monaten 15 Journalisten in der Region getötet wurden. Die Hauptprobleme in jedem Land

Die IAPA betonte, dass die

L'IAPA ha sottolineato che la crescente violenza contro i giornalisti è la sfida principale che deve affrontare la stampa libera nelle Americhe.

Nel suo rapporto finale sulla riunione di metà anno, l'Inter-American Press Association ha indicato che, negli ultimi sei mesi, 15 giornalisti sono stati uccisi nella regione. I problemi principali in ogni paese

L'IAPA ha sottolineato che la

The IAPA stressed that growing violence against journalists is the main challenge facing the free press in the Americas

In its final report of the mid-year meeting, the Inter-American Press Association indicated that, in the last six months, 15 journalists were killed in the region. The main problems in each country

The IAPA stressed that growing

“It's Exile, Prison or Death”: The Crude Testimonies of the Families of Political Prisoners in Nicaragua

Carlos Fernando Chamorro, Renata Holmann, Cristopher Mendoza, Lourdes Arroliga and Lucia Pineda Ubau told the IAPA details of the brutality of Daniel Ortega's regime

“It's Exile, Prison or Death”:

„Es ist Exil, Gefängnis oder Tod“: Die groben Zeugnisse der Familien politischer Gefangener in Nicaragua

Carlos Fernando Chamorro, Renata Holmann, Cristopher Mendoza, Lourdes Arroliga und Lucia Pineda Ubau erzählten der IAPA Einzelheiten über die Brutalität des Regimes von Daniel Ortega

„Es ist Exil, Gefängnis oder

«Esilio, prigione o morte»: le rozze testimonianze delle famiglie dei prigionieri politici in Nicaragua

Carlos Fernando Chamorro, Renata Holmann, Cristopher Mendoza, Lourdes Arroliga e Lucia Pineda Ubau hanno raccontato alla IAPA i dettagli della brutalità del regime di Daniel Ortega

«Esilio, prigione o morte»: le

The IAPA denounced that threats against journalists are constant in Venezuela

The Inter-American Press Association indicated that cases of physical violence, threats and attacks against journalists covering last November's elections were added. He also addressed the confiscation of the facilities of El Nacional

The IAPA denounced that threats

L'IAPA ha denunciato che le minacce contro i giornalisti sono costanti in Venezuela

L'Inter-American Press Association ha indicato che sono stati aggiunti casi di violenza fisica, minacce e attacchi contro i giornalisti che hanno riguardato le elezioni dello scorso novembre. Ha anche affrontato la confisca delle strutture di El Nacional

L'IAPA ha denunciato che le

The Inter-American Press Association denounced a wave of violence against journalists “never seen before”

In the first three months of 2022, 13 reporters have been killed in Latin America, 8 of them in Mexico, an alarming figure that reveals the “inadequacy” of the protection and security systems for these professionals, said Ricardo Trotti, executive director of the association that represents more than 1,300 newspapers and magazines

The Inter-American Press Association denounced

Міжамериканська прес-асоціація засудила хвилю насильства щодо журналістів, «ніколи раніше не бачили»

За перші три місяці 2022 року в Латинській Америці загинули 13 репортерів, 8 з них у Мексиці, тривожна цифра, яка виявляє «неадекватність» систем захисту та безпеки для цих професіоналів, сказав Рікардо Тротті, виконавчий директор асоціації, яка представляє понад 1300 газети і журнали

Міжамериканська прес-асоціація засудила хвилю насильства