Mr. Nick Paterson, Chief Executive, DFSNZ is elected Chair, Mr. Lars Mortsiefer, Legal Director, NADA Germany is elected Deputy Chair of the Governing Board of iNADOiNADO Statement on CAS decisioniNADO Offers WADA Support Following Controversial DecisionWADA Athletes Protest Russia Reinstatement(ATR) Athletes keep up the pressure on a potential compromise between WADA and Russia. Biathlon Federation Encouraged By IOC Statement(ATR) A scandal costs the Winter Olympic federation its next payment from the IOC.IBU Establishes Ethics Commission(ATR) The IBU president and secretary general are subject of an ongoing bribery investigationBerlinger to Withdraw from Doping Control BusinessAnti-doping Body Blasts IOC Over Russia Decision(ATR) Group of national anti-doping organizations says IOC’s management of Russian crisis “has gone from bad to worse”. WADA says country has compliance issuesReluctant Suspension Disheartening for Clean AthletesSecond Doping Case Clouds Russian Reinstatement(ATR) Russian bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva tests positive as the IOC analyzes Russia's reinstatement.VER MÁS