ICC MEN'S T20 WORLD CUP 2020 POSTPONEDProgress for Tokyo 2020 Venues(ATR) Tokyo 2020 CEO says 80 percent are nearly secured for 2021 but two major ones are still being negotiated.MINSK EUROPEAN GAMES BROADCASTING CENTER TO COME ON STREAM ON 17 JUNENBC Sports Groups's PyeongChang Olympics "By The Numbers"PyeongChang 2018 Main Press Center Open for Business -- ATRadio(ATR) PyeongChang 2018 MPC manager Joosun Lee joins ATRadio to talk preparations and operations for the Winter Games.PanamSports Increases Lima 2019 Supervision(ATR) Carlos Neuhaus says PanamSports leaders are satisfied with progress with the Pan Ams less than 700 days away.LA 2028 Media Village Opens to Students(ATR) The USC Village will house more than 2,500 students annually in the years leading up to the 2028 Olympics.PyeongChang Celebrates 'On Time' Transfer of IBC(ATR) OBS has assumed control of the PyeongChang IBC with eight months to go until the 2018 Winter Olympics.Fountain of Youth Proposal for PyeongChang Olympic Legacy(ATR) Plans are developing for an anti-aging health complex using venues from the 2018 Olympics.Los Angeles Metro Threat Provides City Security Practice(ATR) An anonymous tip about a bomb threat at Los Angeles' Universal City metro stop will not derail the city.VER MÁS