INE ordered Morenista governors to remove tweets supporting the Revocation of Mandate

The advisers of the Complaints and Complaints Commission of the National Electoral Institute recalled the Electoral Tribunal's determination to annul the so-called “decree” that allowed officials to promote the consultation on 10 April

INE ordered Morenista governors to

This is how Ricardo Monreal answered the INE for ignoring reform that allows officials to talk about the Revocation of Mandate

“The INE cannot determine the non-observance of a rule issued by the Legislative Branch”: clear and forceful, Senator de Morena lashed out at the institute led by Lorenzo Córdova

This is how Ricardo Monreal

“Once again”: Sheinbaum will challenge INE measures for propaganda in electoral ban

The National Electoral Institute ordered the head of government of Mexico City to delete social media posts in favor of the revocation of the mandate

“Once again”: Sheinbaum will challenge

Ciro Murayama defended the INE and assured that the “decree” on propaganda does not annul the Constitution

The councillor of the National Electoral Institute indicated that, despite the decree on government propaganda, the electoral body is the only recognized body to promote participation

Ciro Murayama defended the INE

AMLO welcomed approval of the so-called “decree” for officials to promote the Revocation of Mandate

The president reiterated that the people must put or remove their rulers

AMLO welcomed approval of the

Senate Approved Opinion Allowing Officials to Promote Mandate Revocation

The Morena lawmakers and their allies approved the so-called “decree” in which it is considered that the dissemination of the consultation does not constitute government propaganda

Senate Approved Opinion Allowing Officials