Abertura do DAX em 18 de marçoEsses são os dados mais importantes a serem observados sobre a evolução desse ativoОткрытие DAX 18 мартаЭто самые важные данные, на которые следует обратить внимание об эволюции этого актива.Opening of the DAX on March 18These are the most important data to pay attention to about the evolution of this asset3月18日にDAXがオープンこれらは、この資産の進化について注目すべき最も重要なデータです。O principal indicador do mercado de ações alemão começa o dia com lucro em 16 de marçoAberto um dia positivo: aumento de 2,16%The main indicator of the German stock market starts the day with profit on March 16Open a day in positive: 2.16% increaseDAX quote for March 15The different titles that were traded on the auction floor had a mixed behaviorGerman DAX opens the day with losses on March 15Start of the day with 1.09% fall