“20 días en Mariupol” ganó el Oscar como mejor documental: “me hubiera gustado nunca haber hecho esta película”

El film, centrado en la actual guerra ucraniana, triunfó en la categoría que también incluía a ‘To Kill a Tiger’, ‘Bobi Wine: The People’s President’ y ‘Four Daughters’

“20 días en Mariupol” ganó

“The front line intends to carry out chaos and violence activities in Bogotá”: National Police

The commander of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police, General Eliécer Camacho Jiménez, confirmed that these activities would take place within the marches scheduled for victims' day

“The front line intends to

Cosa si sa di Sergei Vagin, il cittadino russo arrestato da stordimenti colombiani per aver finanziato atti violenti durante lo sciopero nazionale

Lo straniero è accusato di aver presumibilmente ottenuto risorse per le cosiddette Prime Linee, che hanno compiuto azioni violente contro le forze pubbliche colombiane; l'ambasciata russa a Bogotà ha rilasciato un comunicato in cui afferma che quel paese «non ha alcuna intenzione di interferire nella vita interna della Colombia».

Cosa si sa di Sergei

O que se sabe sobre Sergei Vagin, o cidadão russo preso por atordoamentos colombianos por financiar atos violentos durante a Greve Nacional

O estrangeiro é acusado de supostamente obter recursos para as chamadas Primeiras Linhas, que realizaram ações violentas contra as forças públicas colombianas; a embaixada russa em Bogotá emitiu um comunicado afirmando que aquele país “não tem intenção de interferir na vida interna da Colômbia”.

O que se sabe sobre

What is known about Sergei Vagin, the Russian citizen arrested by Colombian stuns for financing violent acts during the National Strike

The foreigner is accused of allegedly obtaining resources for the so-called First Lines, which carried out violent actions against the Colombian public forces; the Russian embassy in Bogotá issued a statement stating that that country “has no intention of interfering in the internal life of Colombia.”

What is known about Sergei

Was ist über Sergei Vagin bekannt, den russischen Staatsbürger, der von kolumbianischen Betäubungen wegen Finanzierung von Gewalttaten während des Nationalstreiks verhaftet

Dem Ausländer wird vorgeworfen, angeblich Ressourcen für die sogenannten First Lines beschafft zu haben, die gewalttätige Aktionen gegen die kolumbianische Öffentlichkeit durchgeführt haben. Die russische Botschaft in Bogotá gab eine Erklärung ab, in der es heißt, dass dieses Land „nicht die Absicht hat, sich in das Innenleben Kolumbiens einzumischen“.

Was ist über Sergei Vagin

What is known about Sergei Vagin, the Russian citizen arrested by Colombian stuns for financing violent acts during the National Strike

The foreigner is accused of allegedly obtaining resources for the so-called First Lines, which carried out violent actions against the Colombian public forces; the Russian embassy in Bogotá issued a statement stating that that country “has no intention of interfering in the internal life of Colombia.”

What is known about Sergei

Que sait-on de Sergei Vagin, le citoyen russe arrêté par des étourdissements colombiens pour avoir financé des actes violents lors de la grève nationale

L'étranger est accusé d'avoir prétendument obtenu des ressources pour les « premières lignes », qui ont mené des actions violentes contre les forces publiques colombiennes ; l'ambassade de Russie à Bogotá a publié un communiqué indiquant que ce pays « n'a pas l'intention de s'immiscer dans la vie intérieure de la Colombie ».

Que sait-on de Sergei Vagin,

Что известно о россиянине Сергее Вагине, арестованном колумбийскими преступниками за финансирование насильственных действий во время Национальной забастовки

Иностранец обвиняется в якобы получении ресурсов для так называемых «первых линий», которые осуществляли насильственные действия против колумбийских государственных сил; российское посольство в Боготе опубликовало заявление, в котором говорится, что эта страна «не намерена вмешиваться во внутреннюю жизнь Колумбии».

Что известно о россиянине Сергее

Renting savings accounts: this would be the operation led by Russian citizens to enter money into Colombia and affect the elections

According to the authorities, the foreign network would aim to finance violent organizations that seek to destabilize public order and intervene in elections

Renting savings accounts: this would