Gymnastics set to be absent from European Games
Pack away the ribbons and balance beams. Gymnastics will not make a third consecutive appearance at the European Games

FITEQ releases qualification system for the European Games 2023
Athletes now have a clear pathway to qualify for teqball’s historic debut at the European Games.

European Athletics moving away from multi-sport European Championships
Birmingham and Budapest bidding for independent championships after the decision to abandon multi-sport European Championships.

European Olympic Committees president Spyros Capralos urges European sports family to be a powerful, unifying force
The 51st EOC General Assembly, without Russia or Belarus in attendance, wrapped up in North Macedonia this past weekend. Progress of Krakow Malopolska European Games 2023 highlighted. 2023 ANOC World Beach Games headed to Bali, Indonesia

EYOF Flame of Peace lit in Rome as war continues in Ukraine
The Flame of Peace is en route to Slovakia after a small lighting ceremony in Rome. Youth athletes representing nations across Europe will gather under the flame during the opening ceremony of the 16th Summer European Youth Olympic Festival.

VP da EdC doou medalha de ouro olímpica para ajudar a causa ucraniana
Ela ganhou seu ouro em tiro armadilha em Sydney 2000 e já doou a medalha para “Strong Together”

Le vice-président de l'EOC a fait don d'une médaille d'or olympique pour aider
Elle a remporté son or en tir au piège à Sydney 2000 et a fait don de la médaille à « Strong Together »

Вице-президент ЕОК пожертвовал золотую олимпийскую медаль на помощь украинскому делу
Она выиграла свое золото в стрельбе в ловушке в Сиднее в 2000 году и пожертвовала медаль «Strong Together»

EOC VPがウクライナの大義を支援するためにオリンピックの金メダルを寄付

EOC VP donated Olympic gold medal to help Ukrainian cause
She won her gold in trap shooting in Sydney 2000 and has donated the medal to “Strong Together”