'Masterchef Celebrity': breakfast is not the main meal for chefs and it cost Carolina Gomez the way outThe former beauty queen left the competition due to small and repetitive mistakes even though she cooked in a delicate state of healthMaría T dice addio a «MasterChef Celebrity» a causa della mancanza di condimento nel suo ultimo piatto: «Non dà molta guava da lasciare»In una nuova sfida di eliminazione, i condannati hanno dovuto preparare un piatto con la trota e la stragrande maggioranza di loro ha avuto errori nella preparazioneMaría T says goodbye to 'MasterChef Celebrity' due to lack of seasoning in her last dish: “It doesn't give a lot of guava to leave”In a new elimination challenge, those sentenced had to prepare a dish with trout, and the vast majority of them had errors in their preparationsMaría T verabschiedet sich von 'MasterChef Celebrity' wegen mangelnder Würze in ihrem letzten Gericht: „Es gibt nicht viel Guave zum Gehen“Bei einer neuen Ausscheidungsherausforderung mussten die Verurteilten ein Gericht mit Forellen zubereiten, und die überwiegende Mehrheit von ihnen hatte Fehler bei der ZubereitungNach einer schwierigen Ausscheidungsherausforderung verließ Jair Romero „MasterChef Celebrity“ unter TränenIm Test war die Hauptzutat Milchcreme, und obwohl einige sich ihrer Gerichte sicher waren, wurden andere von den Köchen „geknackt“After a difficult elimination challenge, Jair Romero left 'MasterChef Celebrity' amid tearsIn the test, the main ingredient was milk cream, and although some were sure of their dishes, others were 'cracked' by the chefsLady Noriega drops out of Master Chef Celebrity by Coffee Oso BukoThe winner of the Mystery Box Challenge was Manuela González, who was worthy of the Immune Pin.Lady Noriega drops out of Master Chef Celebrity by Coffee Oso BukoThe winner of the Mystery Box Challenge was Manuela González, who was worthy of the Immune Pin.Lady Noriega drops out of Master Chef Celebrity by Coffee Oso BukoThe winner of the Mystery Box Challenge was Manuela González, who was worthy of the Immune Pin.Lady Noriega drops out of Master Chef Celebrity by Coffee Oso BukoThe winner of the Mystery Box Challenge was Manuela González, who was worthy of the Immune Pin.VER MÁS