Congress Guido Bellido Sigrid Bazán demand results from commission that investigates alleged electoral fraud: “Be accountable, rascals”
The Commission of Inquiry into the 2021 General Elections Process extended the deadline for submitting the results of its work by 20 more days.

What follows after Registrar Alexander Vega's decision not to order a vote count
Specialists detail that the scrutiny process should be continued in the same way as it was being done. The municipal counting is already 100% complete, and the departmental one at 25%

Senator-elect Ariel Ávila pointed out the potential risks of the recount requested by the National Registrar
The National Electoral Council will define whether or not the recount of these legislative elections full of errors and irregularities will take place

Colombian government and watchdogs prepare to hold electoral monitoring table
During the space, the aim is to discuss issues related to the scrutiny process carried out during the last week and thus regain the credibility of the Registry Office

Polo Polo denounces fraud but years ago asked to eliminate seats of negritudes in Congress
Social media users have stressed to him the paradoxical nature of aspiring to a place that he asked to disappear

Right Wing Candidates Reject Vote Count and Call for “Defending Democracy”
Several politicians from the Democratic Center have also spoken out regarding irregularities in the polls conducted by the Registrar's Office

Demands for a vote count continue following numerous allegations of alleged fraud
Several personalities on the political scene demand that the competent authorities recount the votes of the March 13 elections

EOM warns of 'atypical behaviors' in vote counting in Colombia
The entity responsible for the observation of the past elections detailed that there are errors in the way the juries filled out the E-14 forms. However, they pointed out that there is still no talk of electoral fraud

“The pre-count is merely informative”: the national registrar ruled on alleged irregularities in the counting of votes
Alexander Vega argued that the allegations are the result of “misinformation” and that the official results will not be known until the counting of all polling stations ends.

Petro requests meeting with international observers over alleged electoral fraud in Senate elections
The presidential candidate says that 30,000 polling stations erased the votes of the Historical Pact