International Testing Agency (ITA) Moves Closer to Being OperationalCraven 'Optimistic' on Russia's Return to Paralympics(ATR) IPC chief Philip Craven says he believes Russia will be reinstated in Paralympic Movement "sooner rather than later".Foundation for Global Sports Development Tackles Doping -- ATRadio(ATR) GSD's Dr. Steven Ungerleider discusses "Doping in Sport: How the Culture Might Change" symposium on ATRadio.The Foundation for Global Sports Development to Host Diverse Symposium on Doping in SportSir Philip Craven, President of the International Paralympic Committee will provide the Keynote Presentation.An Open Letter to Seb Coe: Close the Record Books of the Past -- Op-EdAIPS President Gianni Merlo writes to IAAF president about the need for a clean, radical change for new generations.