Rusia anuncia nuevas negociaciones sobre Ucrania en Berlín


Golden 25 -- Sochi 2014 Vanguard #3


U.S. Sanctions Former Russian Olympic Tsar

(ATR) Dmitry Kozak is among seven government officials sanctioned by the U.S. over their involvement in the Ukraine conflict.

U.S. Sanctions Former Russian Olympic

IPC presents Paralympic Order to seven individuals for Sochi 2014 success

Following Sunday night's spectacular (16 March) Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games Closing Ceremony, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) presented the Paralympic Order - the highest accolade a person connected with the Paralympic Movement can achieve - to seven individuals who played instrumental roles in the success of the Games.


``Impossible is Possible`` as Sochi Paralympics Close

(ATR) The Sochi 2014 Games ended Sunday night with the Paralympic Closing Ceremony, with a theme of the “impossible is possible.”

``Impossible is Possible`` as Sochi

Paralympic Leadership Trio Call Sochi ``Greatest Paralympics Ever``

(ATR) Sochi 2014 was declared to be a success… Dmitry Kozak will deliver key speech usually reserved for organizing committee leader. 

Paralympic Leadership Trio Call Sochi

Exclusive from Sochi: UN Says Honor Olympic Truce; Ukraine Boycott Tallks

(ATR) Lemke makes plea to politicians... Ukraine could still boycott Paralympics... IPC ambassador criticises boycotts

Exclusive from Sochi: UN Says

Kozak Says Sochi Broke ``Ice of Skepticism``, Offers New Sochi Cost

(ATR) Vladimir Putin`s point man on the Olympics delivers a confident assessment of the Sochi Olympics. 

Kozak Says Sochi Broke ``Ice

Olympic Protest Zones, Power Grid Updates, FBI Intervention

(ATR) A town of around 20,000 people outside the main city of Sochi will serve as a so-called “protest zone” during next month’s Winter Olympics, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said Friday.

Olympic Protest Zones, Power Grid

Golden 25 -- #6 The Dmitrys of Sochi

(ATR) Two men named Dmitry and one known as Alexander have big jobs ahead in this last month to the Sochi Olympics.

Golden 25 -- #6 The