Judiciary: Vandals who attacked headquarters in downtown Lima sentenced to more than two years in suspended prison
After the demonstrations on 5 April, the day on which the Executive decreed a curfew.

Патрисия Чиринос конституционно осуждает Педро Кастильо после комендантского часа 5 апреля
Парламентарий Avanza País не перестает обличать президента Педро Кастильо, на этот раз она сделала это из-за высшего указа о социальной несменяемости, изданного президентом.

Patricia Chirinos constitutionally denounces Pedro Castillo after curfew on April 5
The Avanza País parliamentarian does not stop denouncing President Pedro Castillo, this time she did so because of the supreme decree of social irremovability issued by the president.

Avelino Guillén reveals that the government planned to decree a curfew for a day in November
“As the head of the sector, I strongly and categorically expressed my rejection of what the Government Palace wanted to impose,” he said.

Hernando Cevallos was against the curfew: “It was not the best measure”
The former Minister of Health said that the Government had to find another way to deal with the alleged threat of looting in cities.

“Pedro Castillo is the consolidation of improvisation and lack of leadership,” says political scientist Alexandra Ames
Head of the Public Policy Observatory of the University of the Pacific, indicates that “we are facing a president of the republic who does not legitimize his own decisions and that is worrying enough”

PNP identified and arrested 12 involved in attack on downtown Lima premises
Among the detainees there are two children under 16 years of age. The Police detected a certain level of coordination between them and do not rule out that they have been agreed.

Police say they only suggested to Pedro Castillo “evaluate the relevance” of the curfew
Prime Minister Aníbal Torres had indicated that a PNP intelligence report recommended declaring immobilization.

Restaurants could raise their prices by up to 40% due to the increase in ingredients
The president of the Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Allied People of Peru said that if the situation continues to worsen, prices would rise by 80%.

Congress of the Republic: Acción Popular Collects Signatures to Challenge Aníbal Torres
The parliamentarians expect the prime minister to explain the reasons why the curfew was ordered in Lima and Callao on Tuesday, April 5.