María Elena Morera kehrte gegen AMLO und seine Morgen um: „Sie dienen dazu, eine Gruppe von Menschen einzuschüchtern“

Der Präsident der Organisation „Common Cause“ stellte fest, dass die Kommunikationsstrategie des Bundespräsidenten als Mechanismus für Propaganda und Informationsmanipulation fungiert.

María Elena Morera kehrte gegen

María Elena Morera reversed against AMLO and its mornings: “they serve to intimidate a group of people”

The president of the organization “Common Cause” noted that the federal president's communication strategy functions as a mechanism for propaganda and information manipulation

María Elena Morera reversed against

Kidnapping and trafficking in persons, among the crimes with the highest rates during the first two months of 2022: Common Cause

According to the report “Crime Incidence Analysis”, the crimes that increased during the first two months of 2022 were: kidnapping, trafficking in persons, extortion, drug abuse and femicide

Kidnapping and trafficking in persons,

Rapimento e tratta di persone, tra i reati con i tassi più alti nei primi due mesi del 2022: causa comune

Secondo il rapporto «Crime Incidence Analysis», i crimini che sono aumentati durante i primi due mesi del 2022 sono stati: rapimento, tratta di persone, estorsione, abuso di droghe e femminicidio

Rapimento e tratta di persone,

I pubblici ministeri potrebbero manipolare i registri dei crimini e le cifre ufficiali sulla violenza: caso comune

Secondo il rapporto «Un paese senza denuncia», in alcuni casi i pubblici ministeri classificano i reati in altre categorie che non corrispondono

I pubblici ministeri potrebbero manipolare

State Prosecutors Could Manipulate Crime Records and Official Violence Figures: Common Case

According to the report “A country without complaint”, in some cases prosecutors classify offences into other categories that do not correspond

State Prosecutors Could Manipulate Crime