Gabriel, the brave young man who resisted a robbery at the Edomex and was shot by criminalsHe was transferred to the General Hospital of ISSSTE in Zaragoza and the next day he died from the wounds he received.Gabriel, the brave young man who resisted a robbery at the Edomex and was shot by criminalsHe was transferred to the General Hospital of ISSSTE in Zaragoza and the next day he died from the wounds he received.Gabriel, le jeune homme courageux qui a résisté à un vol à l'Edomex et a été abattu par des criminelsIl a été transféré à l'hôpital général de l'ISSSTE à Saragosse et le lendemain, il est décédé des suites de ses blessures.Момент, коли пасажир зіткнувся з комбі-нападниками на Едомекс; двоє загинулиЗлочинцям довелося вистрибнути з рухомого транспортного підрозділу після того, як водій відмовився зупинятися там, де хотілиThe moment when a passenger confronted combi assailants on the Edomex; two were killedThe criminals had to jump out of the moving transport unit after the driver refused to stop where they wanted