Jorge Telerman: „Ich möchte, dass Julio Bocca nach Colón zurückkehrt, das Theater steht ihm zur Verfügung“

Der neue Generaldirektor sprach über seine politischen Bestrebungen, die Gewerkschaftsfrage, den Ruhestand der Tänzer und insbesondere einen Wunsch: dass der ehemalige Tänzer Daniel Barenboim und Martha Argerich in naher Zukunft die Programmierung des lyrischen Kolosseums integrieren

Jorge Telerman: „Ich möchte, dass

Jorge Telerman: “I want Julio Bocca to return to Colón, the theater is at his disposal”

The new Director-General spoke of his political aspirations, the union issue, the retirement of the dancers and one wish in particular: that the former dancer, Daniel Barenboim and Martha Argerich integrate the lyric coliseum's programming in the near future

Jorge Telerman: “I want Julio

26 photos: Teatro Colon 2022 Lyrics Season Grand Opening

With a great interpretation of La Boheme, the participants enjoyed a show like no other. This was the first function carried out within the framework of the new management of Jorge Terrellman, the new general manager of the first Colosseum.


26 photos: Teatro Colon 2022 Lyrics Opening of the season

With the wonderful interpretation of La Bohème, the participants enjoyed the show like no other. This was the first function that was performed as part of the new management team of Jorge Telerman, the new director general of the first Colosseum.


26 photos: the grand opening of the 2022 Lyric Season of the Teatro Colón

With the fabulous interpretation of La Bohème, attendees enjoyed a show like no other. This was the first function to be carried out within the framework of the new management of Jorge Telerman, the new general director of the First Colosseum

26 photos: the grand opening