Google releases emergency update for its Chrome browser

Google has announced a new version of its Chrome browser that users should install as soon as possible. The company warns that the update will eliminate a vulnerability in the browser for the use of which software tools for malicious purposes have already been found on the Internet.

Google releases emergency update for

Google rilascia un aggiornamento di emergenza per il suo browser Chrome

Google ha annunciato una nuova versione del suo browser Chrome che gli utenti dovrebbero installare il prima possibile. La società avverte che l'aggiornamento eliminerà una vulnerabilità nel browser per l'uso di quali strumenti software per scopi dannosi sono già stati trovati su Internet.

Google rilascia un aggiornamento di

Google releases emergency update for its Chrome browser

Google has announced a new version of its Chrome browser that users should install as soon as possible. The company warns that the update will eliminate a vulnerability in the browser for the use of which software tools for malicious purposes have already been found on the Internet.

Google releases emergency update for

Google rilascia un aggiornamento di emergenza per il suo browser Chrome

Google ha annunciato una nuova versione del suo browser Chrome che gli utenti dovrebbero installare il prima possibile. La società avverte che l'aggiornamento eliminerà una vulnerabilità nel browser per l'uso di quali strumenti software per scopi dannosi sono già stati trovati su Internet.

Google rilascia un aggiornamento di

Germany warns against the use of Kaspersky antivirus

While the Defender antivirus built into Windows offers reasonable protection, there are also reliable options among the many free protection programs offered on the network. This is the conclusion reached by the German product evaluation and consumer assistance organization Stiftung Warentest in a comparison of 20 paid and free antiviruses. The results were published in issue 3/22 of his magazine “test”.

Germany warns against the use

Germany warns against the use of Kaspersky antivirus

While the Defender antivirus built into Windows offers reasonable protection, there are also reliable options among the many free protection programs offered on the network. This is the conclusion reached by the German product evaluation and consumer assistance organization Stiftung Warentest in a comparison of 20 paid and free antiviruses. The results were published in issue 3/22 of his magazine “test”.

Germany warns against the use

Experts advise sharing video game time with minors

Багато онлайн-ігри пропонують можливість обміну інформацією через чат. Однак ця функція несе небезпеки, попереджає німецьку ініціативу, яка сприяє свідомому використанню засобів масової інформації дітьми.


Експерти радять ділитися часом відеоігор з неповнолітніми

Багато онлайн-ігри пропонують можливість обміну інформацією через чат. Однак ця функція несе небезпеки, попереджає німецьку ініціативу, яка сприяє свідомому використанню засобів масової інформації дітьми.

Експерти радять ділитися часом відеоігор

Experts advise sharing video game time with minors

Many online games offer the possibility of exchanging information through chat. However, this function carries dangers, warns a German initiative that promotes the conscious use of the media by children.

Experts advise sharing video game

Experts advise sharing video game time with minors

Many online games offer the possibility of exchanging information through chat. However, this function carries dangers, warns a German initiative that promotes the conscious use of the media by children.

Experts advise sharing video game