COI Hace Fuerte Advertencia a Panama(ATR) COI apoya elección de Damaris Young como primera mujer presidenta del Comité Olimpico de PanamáODECABE se Reune Para Salvar Juegos 2022(ATR) Panameño Camilo Amado renuncia al Ejecutivo de ODECABE.PAN AMERICAN FAMILY SUPPORTS NEW DATES FOR TOKYO 2020New Supervision of Panam Sports for Lima 2019(ATR) President of Panam Sports, Neven Ilic, arrives in Lima together with experts in infrastructure, almost three months before the opening of the Games.Lima 2019 : Nueva Supervision de Panam Sports(ATR) Presidente de Panam Sports, Neven Ilic,llega a Lima junto a expertos en Infraestructuras, a casi tres meses de la apertura de los JuegosPanama 2022 Wins U.K. Support(ATR) Important CACSO executive meeting in May...IOC Likes Panama Election(ATR) The Panama Olympic Committee appears to have ended a nearly five-year power struggle with a “successful” electoral assembly on Sunday, but that peace could be tenuous.