Rescatan a siete inmigrantes de una patera en la costa de Motril (Granada)
Siete migrantes de origen magrebí han sido rescatados en una patera por Salvamento Marítimo y la Guardia Civil cerca de la costa de Motril, siendo trasladados a puerto para su atención
Scholz confía en seguir trabajando por la prosperidad y libertad con Trump en Casa Blanca
El canciller Olaf Scholz expresa su confianza en fortalecer la colaboración histórica entre Alemania y EE.UU. tras la victoria de Donald Trump en las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses
Los acuerdos de noticias de OpenAI continúan, con la firma de Vox y Atlantic
OpenAI ha cerrado acuerdos con más de 70 publicaciones para compartir contenido, buscando mejorar la precisión de información en sus chatbots al integrar contenido actualizado de estas fuentes

After a riot, a group of prisoners escaped from a prison in Barranquilla
The authorities managed to recapture some of the prisoners while they are carrying out investigations to determine how many are still escaped

Crimine grottesco a Cesar: padre e fratello di una ragazza sotto i 13 anni sono stati mandati in prigione per averla aggredita sessualmente
La giovane donna è in uno stato di gestazione a causa di ripetuti abusi subiti da soggetti di età compresa tra 60 e 26 anni, ha affermato l'ufficio del procuratore generale

Grotesque crime in Cesar: father and brother of a girl under 13 were sent to jail for sexually assaulting her
The young woman is in a state of gestation due to repeated abuses suffered by subjects aged 60 and 26, said the Attorney General's Office

Violent Easter Week in Barranquilla, 12 homicides were reported in the Atlantic capital
In the negative security balance, the Metropolitan Police of Barranquilla indicated that at least 1,800 calls were received reporting quarrels in the major week

Tension at the Universidad del Norte over a rumor of an attack
Through a message on social networks, it was reported that today, April 18, there would be a shooting in the school, this caused a lot of confusion among students and workers of the institution. The authorities of Barranquilla together with university directors came out to deny the message

He was saved from a robbery in Barranquilla because the thief fell off the motorcycle that was carrying him
The particular event was recorded on security cameras in the San Isidro neighborhood, south of the Atlantic capital

Decaying fish was seized in Soledad, Atlántico
The Ministry of Health of the municipality near Barranquilla retained 17 and a half kilos of the meat in poor condition that would be sold on the Easter weekend