The Ministry of Health has enabled the fourth dose for people who must travel to countries that do not accept the Sputnik V vaccineHealth Minister Carla Vizzotti said that people who have received the Russian vaccine will access a WHO-approved vaccine if they justify the need for travelMaserati will offer electric versions of its cars by 2025Maserati will manufacture an electric version of all its models by 2025, CEO Davide Grasso told reporters in a conference call on March 17.Maserati will offer electric versions of its cars by 2025Maserati will manufacture an electric version of all its models by 2025, CEO Davide Grasso told reporters in a conference call on March 17.Maserati will offer electric versions of its cars by 2025Maserati will manufacture an electric version of all its models by 2025, CEO Davide Grasso told reporters in a conference call on March 17.Maserati will offer electric versions of its cars by 2025Maserati will manufacture an electric version of all its models by 2025, CEO Davide Grasso told reporters in a conference call on March 17.