Der Skandal um Mary Anne Perdomo, die Lehrerin, die auf der Liste des Historischen Pakts allein gelassen wurde und gewannDer neue Kongressabgeordnete aus Santander wollte die Liste nicht aufgeben und erhielt schließlich einen Sitz für die Kammer.O escândalo em torno de Mary Anne Perdomo, a professora que foi deixada sozinha na lista do Pacto Histórico e venceuO novo deputado do Santander não quis abrir mão da lista e acabou ficando com um assento para a Câmara.The scandal surrounding Mary Anne Perdomo, the teacher who was left alone on the Historical Pact list and wonThe new congressman from Santander did not want to give up the list and ended up with a seat for the Chamber.The scandal surrounding Mary Anne Perdomo, the teacher who was left alone on the Historical Pact list and wonThe new congressman from Santander did not want to give up the list and ended up with a seat for the Chamber.The scandal surrounding Mary Anne Perdomo, the teacher who was left alone on the Historical Pact list and wonThe new congressman from Santander did not want to give up the list and ended up with a seat for the Chamber.The scandal surrounding Mary Anne Perdomo, the teacher who was left alone on the Historical Pact list and wonThe new congressman from Santander did not want to give up the list and ended up with a seat for the Chamber.O escândalo em torno de Mary Anne Perdomo, a professora que foi deixada sozinha na lista do Pacto Histórico e venceuO novo deputado do Santander não quis abrir mão da lista e acabou ficando com um assento para a Câmara.Der Skandal um Mary Anne Perdomo, die Lehrerin, die auf der Liste des Historischen Pakts allein gelassen wurde und gewannDer neue Kongressabgeordnete aus Santander wollte die Liste nicht aufgeben und erhielt schließlich einen Sitz für die Kammer.The scandal surrounding Mary Anne Perdomo, the teacher who was left alone on the Historical Pact list and wonThe new congressman from Santander did not want to give up the list and ended up with a seat for the Chamber.The scandal surrounding Mary Anne Perdomo, the teacher who was left alone on the Historical Pact list and wonThe new congressman from Santander did not want to give up the list and ended up with a seat for the Chamber.VER MÁS