Attacks that violate our national sovereignty

The malicious attack was carried out on our territory by the fundamentalist group Hezbollah, but there was also a clear plan and support for foreign countries. It was the first blow of international terrorism on our continent.


Attacks that violate our national sovereignty

The malicious attack was carried out on our territory by the fundamentalist group Hezbollah, but there was also a clear plan and support for foreign countries. It was the first blow of international terrorism on our continent.


Ataques que violam nossa soberania nacional

O ataque malicioso foi realizado em nosso território pelo grupo fundamentalista Hezbollah, mas também havia um plano claro e apoio a países estrangeiros. Foi o primeiro golpe do terrorismo internacional em nosso continente.


Attacks that violate our national sovereignty

The malicious attack was carried out on our territory by the fundamentalist group Hezbollah, but there was also a clear plan and support for foreign countries. It was the first blow of international terrorism on our continent.


Des attaques qui violent notre souveraineté nationale

L'attaque malveillante a été menée sur notre territoire par le groupe fondamentaliste Hezbollah, mais il existait également un plan clair et un soutien aux pays étrangers. Ce fut le premier coup porté au terrorisme international sur notre continent.


An attack that violated our national sovereignty

The devious attack was carried out on our territory by the fundamentalist group Hezbollah, but it also had the unequivocal planning and support of a foreign State. It was the first blow of international terrorism on our continent


Une attaque qui a violé notre souveraineté nationale

L'attaque sournoise a été menée sur notre territoire par le groupe fondamentaliste Hezbollah, mais elle a également bénéficié de la planification et du soutien sans équivoque d'un État étranger. Ce fut le premier coup porté au terrorisme international sur notre continent.


Um ataque que violou nossa soberania nacional

O ataque tortuoso foi realizado em nosso território pelo grupo fundamentalista Hezbollah, mas também teve o planejamento e o apoio inequívocos de um Estado estrangeiro. Foi o primeiro golpe do terrorismo internacional em nosso continente
