Coronavirus in Mexico as of April 24:12 deaths and 271 infections were recorded in the last day

Mexico City, Aguascalientes and Baja California Sur are the entities with the highest estimated number of active cases; nationally, 4,168 such infections are estimated

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 27AGOSTO2020.- Durante nueve semanas consecutivas la capital del país se ha mantenido en Semáforo Epidemiológico Naranja. Sin embargo, diversos sectores (museos, teatros, deportivos y cines) han comenzado a reanudar actividades en un intento por reactivar la economía. FOTO: GALO CAÑAS /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The Ministry of Health (SSA), through the daily technical statement, reported that this Sunday, April 24, 12 deaths and 271 new cases of COVID-19 in the country.

With these figures, 5,733,785 infections and 324,129 deaths caused by SARS-CoV-2 accumulated nationwide. In addition to the above, 687,439 suspected cases were reported, 9,344,950 negatives, 4,450 estimated assets and 15,766,174 people studied since the beginning of the health contingency.

According to the demographic data of the epidemic, confirmed cases show a predominance in women with 52.1 percent. Meanwhile, the general median age is 38 years.

It also noted that Mexico City, Aguascalientes and Baja California Sur are the entities with the highest number of estimated active cases (with a start date of the last 14 days due to the positivity index, by entity and epidemiological week). Nationwide, 4,168 such infections are estimated.

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