ABCs of 'FilBo Ciudad': what is it, why is it so important and what are its novelties at the Book Fair

Places such as the Gabriel García Márquez Cultural Center, the Virgilio Barco Library and the Gimnasio Moderno become arms of the Book Fair that has Corferias as its epicenter

"La Filbo es un nuevo
"La Filbo es un nuevo rostro en este árbol de relaciones entre los dos países", manifestó la embajadora en la presentación de la Feria del Libro, que se celebrará del 6 al 22 de agosto y que será digital debido a las restricciones a las que obliga la pandemia de covid-19. EFE/Alejandro Bolívar

Before entering the inner universe that FilBo city represents, it is necessary to understand what this concept means, which is one of the great novelties in this edition of the Bogotá International Book Fair.

To begin with, the largest literary festival in Latin America returns to face-to-face after going through two consecutive editions marked by virtuality; hence its motto: Come back for you to return. But not only will attendees go to Corferias to enjoy, from the pavilion of the guest of honour country (Republic of Korea) to the literary launches; the fair is also held throughout Bogotá and that is precisely the core of this initiative.

Students, academics, beginning authors and authors from 'callus on the fingers' will have the opportunity to enjoy the FIlBo in different spaces of the city, such as public libraries, universities and bookstores, extending the event to new audiences to arouse interest in reading and writing.

In addition, not only will Colombian letters be seen in this strip, but there is also a space dedicated to the country guest of honor: the film series and literary novelties of that country will be accessible to thousands of spectators in places such as the Gabriel García Márquez Cultural Center, the Caro y Cuervo Institute and the Miguel Art Museum Urrutia -MAMU-, among other scenarios.

You may be interested in: “Culture is the support of diplomatic relations”: Juan Carlos Caiza, Colombian Ambassador to Korea of the South, prior to the FIlBo 2022

The recommendations of Infobae Colombia on the FilBo Ciudad

Although the program is extensive, there are several suggestions to avoid missing the South Korean cultural scene, much less the Colombian one, which is protected by the District Secretariat of Culture, one of the institutions promoting this initiative that includes musical encounters, stories of conflict, truth and memory, and the best of the seventh art from both countries.

It also highlights the articulation of this agenda with the Bogotá District Network of Public Libraries -BibloRed- for the development of different meetings, text launches and presentations at points such as the Virgilio Barco Library, El Tintal and La Marichuela, located in the west and south of the country's capital.

Here are some of the highlights of FilBo Ciudad:

- Presentation of the books Why do we depend on biodiversity? The opportunity we cannot miss, and Perception: a journey through the senses. Juan Armando Sanchez and Felipe Reinoso-Carvalho.

Date: Wednesday, April 20. Time: 6:00pm — 7:00pm

Place: Gabriel Garcia Márquez Cultural Center (Calle 11# 5-60)

- 10 years since the publication of Birds have no borders: legends and myths of Latin America

Author: Edna Iturralde

Date and Time: Thursday, April 21 4:30pm — 5:30pm

Place: La Libreria de Ana (Calle 134 # 55 - 30, Paseo San Rafael Shopping Center)

- FilBo Cine: Korean Film Series

Short film: Big Brother

Date and Time: Friday, April 22 3:00 p.m.

Place: Porfirio Barba Jacob Auditorium, Gabriel García Márquez Cultural Center (11th Street No. 5-60).

- Book signing with author J. J. Benitez and Antonio Erazo

Date and Time: Friday, April 22 4:00pm — 5:00pm

Place: Unicentro National Library (race 15 # 124-30 Local 1-146)

- Conversations that will change your life: Reading as an act of love

Meghan Cox Gurdon y Yolanda Reyes. Modera: Liliana Moreno

Date and Time: Friday, April 22 6:00pm — 7:00pm

Location: Modern Gym (race 9 #74 -99)

- Voices for the Legacy of the Truth Commission: New Perspectives on Conflict in Literature

Laura Ortiz, Leonardo Gil and Laura Acero. Moderates: Lina Castaño

Date: Saturday, April 23 10:00 a.m. — 10:45 a.m.

Place: Square of the Miguel Urrutia Art Museum (MAMU, street 11 # 4-21)

In partnership with the District Institute of Arts (IDARTES) and the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition.

- Gender diversity and dissident identities: Brigitte Baptiste and Camila Sosa Villada

Moderator: Simon Uribe

Date: Saturday, April 23 4:00pm — 5:00pm

Place: Virgilio Barco Public Library (carrera avenue 60 #57 -60)

In partnership with the Embassy of Argentina.

- Conversations that will change your life: J. J. Benitez: a reunion with his readers

Talk to Antonio Erazo

Date: Monday, April 25 5:30pm — 7:00pm

Place: Lerner Bookstore, Calle 93 (race 11 # 93 A-43)

- FilBo Cine Colombian Film Series — Documentary 'Condores don't bury every day', 50 years

Date: Wednesday, April 27 6:30pm — 8:00pm

Place: Porfirio Barba Jacob Auditorium, Gabriel García Márquez Cultural Center (11th Street # 5-60)

