The marriage between Andrea Valdiri and Felipe Saruma is about to take place. Although neither of the two influencers has yet specifically said what the date was selected for the development of their wedding, in view of the posts they have made from their respective social networks, everything seems to indicate that they will get married in the blink of an eye.
The guests of the marriage will surely be quite a few, including several social media figures such as Epa Colombia, for example. However, in addition to the guest list including the family and friends of both, Andrea Valdiri also realized her desire for ten of her followers to make an appearance on her “special day” and last Monday, April 11, she launched a dynamic to select them.
“Pending my last post (photo with Laura and Andrea Mejía, who work as event organizers) I'm going to choose them in comments 377... the only requirement is that you be a fan of us”, was what Barranquillera wrote in one of her InstaStories on the subject.
And well, the content creator has already put on the table the names of the ten fans who will be in her marriage: “Here are my 10 super guests,” she wrote before introducing them. The names of some of them are: Abraham Garcia, José Pareja, El 100 feet, Ana Maria Bernal and Valentina Ferreira.
From her Instagram Stories, La Valdiri realized that her house was already celebrating, shortly before going to the altar with the Bumanguese influencer. In this way, he showed that there was a mariachi singing songs like 'Si nos dejan', but the repertoire not only focused on romantic themes, but it also included the 'Happy Bachelor'.
Faced with this musical scene, Felipe Saruma excitedly released the comment: “Today is the last day that we are going to sing hijuepit*” and, subsequently, he developed in the interpretation of that song.
These InstaStories with which the dancer portrayed this celebration date from Friday, April 15 and, in view of what Saruma said, her wedding is a few days away from celebrating.
In this pre-marriage celebration, Andrea Valdiri's two daughters were also present: Isabella (born in 2011) and Adhara (born in 2021). On multiple occasions Felipe Saruma has noticed the good relationship he has with both girls, mainly with the youngest daughter of his partner. In fact, on March 5, the bumanguese published a photograph in which he is seen posing with both of them and titled it as: “I love them”.
For his part, Felipe Saruma has no children.