Alerted by bottom sea in 6 states: what is it and what are the recommendations for prevention

The phenomenon travels along the Pacific Ocean and can occur throughout the year

ACAPULCO, GUERRERO, 21MAYO2021.- El fenómeno
ACAPULCO, GUERRERO, 21MAYO2021.- El fenómeno denominado mar de fondo continúa provocando fuertes oleajes en playas de Acapulco. Autoridades piden a turistas y bañistas extremar precauciones para evitar algún incidente mayor. FOTO: CARLOS ALBERTO CARBAJAL/CUARTOSCURO.COM

In the midst of the Easter holidays, the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) alerted tourists by the sea in the background in at least six states. Therefore, here we will explain what it is and how to prevent it when entering the coast.

And it is that it is a phenomenon that causes high waves, so precautions should be taken. Semar announced that the sea in the background is observed off the coasts of Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas.

What is the sea in the background and how to prevent it?

According to the National Center for Disaster Prevention, the sea in the background is a long and continuous wave generated by storms at sea.

This is the movement of high waves that propagate outside the area where they have been generated and can reach places further afield.


This phenomenon travels along the Pacific Ocean and can occur all year round, mainly from May to November. It usually occurs on the Pacific coast and mainly affects the states of Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas.

One of its characteristics is that it moves in all directions and is usually generated in remote waters where the depths are great.

In addition, it is often mistaken for a tsunami; however, it is generated by seismic movements at sea.

It is also known as sea of leva. It is easy to identify at great distances, as energy organizes waves regularly according to the distance it travels, and the distance between them is 100 to 300 meters.

The sea storms that produce the sea in the background sometimes originate near Australia, so the phenomenon travels distances of 10,000 kilometers to the Mexican coast.


Inhabitants often use the phrase “the sea goes out” when viewing the phenomenon.

Despite the risk that may pose to citizens, Cenapred assures that the sea in the background is beneficial because when it travels in all directions, it removes, mixes and recycles the waters of marine ecosystems, which implies a process of energy exchange.

What to do if the sea appears in the background?

* Respect the indications of lifeguards, Civil Protection, as well as the established signage.

*Avoid walking on the beach.

*Do not do water sports.

*Swimming in the sea should be avoided.

*It will be necessary to remove palapas, furniture and beach equipment.

*Remove and safeguard small boats.

Semar warned that deep sea conditions “will cause waves of 6 to 8 feet (from the coastline up to 24 nautical miles) with a period of 15 to 17 seconds from the coast of Chiapas to the coast of Jalisco.”

In this regard, the ports that will be most affected are: Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo, Lazaro Cardenas, Acapulco, Salina Cruz and Puerto Chiapas.

