The idealization of the moment of the arrival home of a new dog or cat is a more frequent phenomenon than we think.
Surely it is a happy moment, thought out (or at least it should be), but perhaps we imagine it to be crowned with the fact that the animal must be beautiful, almost perfect, according to the norms of a society, more often than not, based on conceptual hypocrisy.
As a first step, the recommendation is to adopt, if we can avoid buying.
These are the reasons.
The first and foremost is that adoption takes an animal out of an abnormal and suffering situation, be it the street or the shelter.
The second is because, with the purchase, we make visible a contradiction such as objectifying living beings, transforming them into merchandise.
However, whether you buy it or not, it is always a real adoption for the entire life of the animal and a serious, responsible and lasting commitment.
But, in this context of adoption and search, many animals go unfairly for a lifetime without anyone asking about them either because of their race, their age, their disability or even the color of their fur.
Unfairly and without foundation, the dangerousness of an animal is often described on the basis of its breed. We know that this is false and unfair, although many ordinances, based on you going to know which experts of small things, condemn these animals to early abandonment and unlikely adoption.
The potential danger of a dog is not given by its breed, but by its size, bite power and, much more, by its inadequate socialization and education.
Continuing with prejudices, animals suffering from some kind of disability: blind, deaf, with some mobility problems will surely be less adopted than others.
This is true with the exception of some people who out of compassion tend to protect them by adopting them.
Undoubtedly, animals with disabilities will require greater attention and effort, but the truth is that there are different degrees of disability that a priori do not enable the prejudice of ruling out the link because of it.
The age of the animal at the time of adoption sometimes limits the choice for several reasons: the more limited time it will spend with us and its greater likelihood of getting sick.
As a counterpart, an adult animal is already educated and is much better suited to the customs and rhythms of the house.
Sometimes, even colors are the limiting factor when determining an adoption. For example, many people are reluctant to adopt black cats either because of superstition or because of bad information.
On the other hand, it is common for dark-colored dogs to take longer to adopt than light-colored ones.
For whatever reason reluctance based on these foundations is meaningless and adopting must be the premise that guides us because it saves two lives, the one we adopt and the one that covers the place it leaves in a shelter trying to find a new destination of love and restraint.