SAT 2022: what are the new benefits for workers in paying taxes

One of the advantages of the new Simplified Trust Regime is that taxpayers will pay taxes at a fixed rate and depending on their income

MEX9293. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (MÉXICO), 18/08/2021.- La titular del Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) de México, Raquel Buenrostro, habla en entrevista con Efe, el 16 de agosto de 2021, en la Ciudad de México (México). Buenrostro, conocida como "la dama de hierro" del Gobierno, promete que no habrá una subida de impuestos en el país porque al Estado le basta con combatir la multimillonaria evasión fiscal de las empresas para recaudar el "doble" de presupuesto. EFE/ Alex Cruz

As part of the federal government's 2022 Economic Package, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) submitted a proposal to the Congress of the Union on documentation for macroeconomic projections, as well as reforms and fiscal adjustments.

With the amendments proposed by the Tax Administration System (SAT) on the rules and regulations for tax payments; tax evasion and avoidance seek to improve collection activity, for that reason they established the proposal for a Simplified Trust Regime.

“These measures also seek to deter behaviors that inhibit compliance with fiscal obligations, and that also promote competitiveness and growth,” explained the SAT.

Through changes to the regulations, the tax authority aspires that taxpayers have and pay less taxes, in order to make administrative procedures easier.


In this way, those who pay taxes must be based on their SAT membership regime, so that the economic activities of each taxpayer will determine the amount to be paid.

It should be emphasized that tax regimes are the rights and obligations that each person who receives income from certain economic activities must fulfill. For this reason, it will be essential that taxpayers know the regime under which they registered with the SAT, depending on their profession or income.

The Simplified Confidence Regime proposal document determined that “fixed revenue-based quotas will be established and eliminates the need to perform five formalities and maintain accounting records with third parties in order to comply with SRI obligations, by moving to an automated calculation with pre- charged”.


Among the advantages that taxpayers will have derived from the proposal for the Simplified Trust Regime are the easier payment of Income Tax (ISR), faster taxation, increased registration of those who are in informality.

It is expected that by the first year, after it takes effect, tax payments will be monthly or annual. Whereas from the year 2023, adjustments to will be made annually.

For their part, those who declare with the new regime will have the opportunity to participate in a Good Taxpayer draw. Interested parties will have to submit information statements, avoid electronic accounting, which will allow them to comply with obligations more quickly and have the opportunity to participate in the auctions organized by the SAT.


The head of the Tax Administration Service, Raquel Buenrostro Sánchez, explained what the new regime consists of: “We are not going to create new taxes or increase existing ones, We are going for a miscellaneous with administrative simplification, with a simple trust regime to pay taxes”.

Another of the fundamentals of the new regime is that those who have adequately complied with their taxes do not have the full weight of declarations and payments. In this regard, the head of the SAT mentioned: “we cannot always charge the cost to those who always comply, always declare, when there is another large universe that does not present taxes”.

The proposed Economic Package for the end of the year aims to increase public revenues by 1.3%.

At the Center for Economic Studies in the Private Sector (CEESP) they estimated that by the end of 2021 there will be a 4.9% increase in income tax revenue, while VAT will be 4.5% and in IESPS 19.4%.

